Questions based on previous questions

🔼 Gathering votes

Write questions based on previous questions.

Let's say I ask people for 5 best movies in their opinion.
Anyone can write their 5 favourite names.
And then, based on those names, I ask people to rate those movies.

For example:

Q1: What are your favourite movies? (each person can put whatever they want)

Person1: "The Truman Show", "Hangover", "Fight Club", "Risen", "Drive"
Person2: "Just friends", "Legend", "Four Lions", "Founder", "The gray man"

Q2: How much you like each movie (1..5)? (each person has to rate the movies they mentioned in Q1)
"The Truman Show": 5/5
"Hangover": 4/5
"Fight Club": 3/5
"Risen": 3/5
"Drive": 5/5
"Just friends": 5/5
"Legend": 3/5
"Four Lions": 4/5
"Founder": 5/5
"The gray man": 4/5


8 months ago

Kirill changed status to 🔼 Gathering votes

8 months ago

One vote