🎨 Custom Themes

🚒 Shipped

Customize the color of buttons and text within your surveys to align with your branding + set your own background color + accent color for elements!

You can choose from 7 default themes or create your own.



10 months ago

Kirill changed status to 🚒 Shipped

9 months ago

lisa carson

The green button and blue text are the most important ones to be able to change, its very distinct and looks wrong on a cream or minimal website - customisation of colours is foremost problem with this software currently, fonts and full customization would be handy but the green and blue have got to be changeable for usability anywhere.

0    9 months ago    Reply

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Thanks for your detailed feedback! We will release it in the next update:)

0    9 months ago    Reply

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We shipped it!

Now you can change text and button colors, and also set your own background color and accent color for your surveys πŸ˜€

0    9 months ago    Reply

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Kirill changed status to πŸš— Roadmap

10 months ago
